
You can enter or edit your cargo details. Since your full details are clearly seen by shipbrokers and ship owners, they can directly reach you to supply feasible ships.



You can easily search cargoes by “Loading Region & Lay Can” criterions. Then, you can directly send e-mail to contact persons dealing with the cargo.




::Vessel Detail

::: VesselDetails-Search

You can search find out full registered vessel details by this form. Please fill in the blanks, then the program will display the vessels matching with the criterion. 

::: VesselDetails-Entry

Once you enter your vessel details, charterers or brokers can reach them easily. You can contact  with people in the market interested with your vessel.


::Vessel Position

::: VesselPosition-Search

You can search vessels’ positions by entering any of  “ name, type, region, port or date “ criterions about your search.

::: VesselPosition-Entry

In this page, all of our members can declare their vessels’ positions to make cargo owners know about their vessels’ positions to find suitable cargoes.


::Sale / Purchase

::: Sale

You can enter your vessel’s details to find best price at S/P market.

::: Purchase

You can find vessels for sale in this page. All you have to do is to state vessel criterions you want to purchase.


::Time Charter

::: TimeCharterR-Entry

You can enter the requirements of the vessels that meet your needs for T/C.

::: TimeCharterR-Search

You can find out the vessel requirements of the charterers for T/C and contact with them.

::: TCVessel-Entry

You can open your vessels for T/C by entering the date interval with the region and port of your vessel.

::: TCVessel-Search

You can easily search all vessels available or search by the criterions you wanted and contact with the owners.


::Regular Lines

::: RegularLines-Entry

Ship owners or managers can declare their regular lines up to 5-countries at a time to inform cargo owners.

::: RegularLines-Search

You can find out regular lines between any of two countries by RoRo, container, bulk carriers and many other vessel types for your cargos.





:: Company-Entry

The only thing to do is to write your company information and click your company concerns. other members can see your details and directly contact to cooperate with you.

:: Company-Search

You can list full details of your interested companies and directly contact with the managers or owners by using this flexible searching form.





:: Abbreviations:  

Here you can find most of the abbreviations used in shipping sector.


:: Conversion Table:

You may use the table to convert any type of measurement such as miles to kilometers, liters to gallons, centigrade to Fahrenheit. By pressing Calibration button you can learn 1 unit equivalent measure.  Also, you can use calculator at the bottom of that page.


:: Currency Converter:

You may use the table to convert any currency to another... AT ANY DATE


:: Dictionaries:

Dictionaries at 7 Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish


:: Walrus symbols & Phonetics

This is a useful table for walrus symbols and phonetics.


:: Ports Information

Detailed information of any port in the world is presented


:: Regions

You can find the regions and boundaries by these maps.


:: Ship Types

You can get basic descriptions and plans of the vessel types.


:: Weather Forecast

You can learn five days weather forecast of the world countries and cities.


:: World Holiday Calender

Special, official and religious days of the countries are declared.


:: World Time

You can learn countries’ or cities’ local time and locations.


:: Worldwide Activities

You can announce legal and institutional activities.




::: Activity-Entry

You can enter all your personal or company activities or meetings on Steminorder’s board, with any detail you want, to inform everybody.

::: Activity-List

You can see all the activities on Steminorder’s board and mail to the activity owners.



::: Sign Guestbook

You can leave your notes for Steminorder users and make them to be seen by everybody.

::: View Guestbook

You can read the business and personal notes of charterers, brokers and all Steminorder users.


::Distance Table

Distance Table facilitates port to port distance retrieval. Distances include routing information retrieval such as through the Suez and Panama Canals, the Capes of Good Hope and Horn, and Magellan Straights. Also, you can search ports by countries. You can learn more than two ports distance at a time.

All you have to do is just selecting ports, then, the table will calculate the distances. If there are different routes through the Straights, you will also learn the shortest and other routes.



:: Add New Account

You can manage your account: update company information, update vessels, corgoes.



:: Annual Report

All you have to do is just open this excel template on the internet or copy to your PC and entering your records. Afterwards, these are calculated automatically to give you exact loss or profit. So, it is very easy to control your events and analyze them.


:: Fixture Cover:

This template is used for every Fixture of Shipment. The Information about Vessel name, Charterers, Agency, Fixture date, Freight, Loading and discharging ports, Expense and Profits exists in this template.

You can open and use it on the internet or save and print this Fixture Summary Report anytime you want.


:: Laytime Calculation:

The objective of the Laytime Template is to provide owners, charterers and operators with the means to prepare laytime statements rapidly and accurately. The user specifies the charter-party terms and the statement of facts, indicating if time is counting or not. The program does the rest, recognizing when the vessel goes on demurrage or when laytime expires if calculating dispatches.


:: Statement of Facts:

Statement of Facts is the form of vessels’ activity list. To be used by ship agents, provides a standard form to collect and provide data while ships are at ports.

Statement of Facts is used by Ship-owners in order to run laytime calculations and estimate demurrage / dispatch values.


:: Voyage Estimation:

This service is suitable for owners, charterers, operators and brokers.

Users can build a complete description of their chartering environment by storing details of vessels, employments, ports and distances. New estimates can then be created with conjectural speed.

This service can handle all type of vessels such as Ro-Ro, dry cargo and tanker.

Since distances between ports are calculated automatically, you can learn your vessels voyage expenses, duration and T/C rate by entering just a few data such as ballast-laden speed and IFO-MGO.

Finally, you can print or save this estimation template as a report.




Here you can find frequently asked question that are being sent from steminorder users.



::Curriculum Vitae

::: CV Entry

Just enter your curriculum vitae to find a job that fits your qualifications.

::: CV Search

Search the most proper employee for the open position at your company.


::Open Positions

::: OpenPositions-Entry

Companies can declare their open positions to reach people seeking a job.

::: OpenPositions-Search



Many useful web sites listed by categories related with shipping.



Without hesitating directly send e-mail to us or fill our feedback form. Our authorized staffs will reply as soon as possible.



 All rights reserved.

Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.