Below, you can find most used abbreviation in shipping... 
You can see the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary at the bottom of the page.

a/e accept/except hfa haifa
acct account ho/ha hold/hatch
abt about hr here
abv above hv have
adcom add commision i.t.f. international trans-workers federation
add addres i.w.l institute warrantylimits
aft after fixing main terms iac in any case
aftrn afternoon ifo intermediate fuel-oil
agw all going well ilohc in luin of hold cleaning
allaft engine -bridge aft inclot including overtime
aps at pilot station iutautc if used timeactually used to account
asap as soon as posible l/c laycan
atdon at day or night L/C letter of credit
ats all time saved l/c/d lashed/secured/dunnaged
b/d brake down L/P loading port
b/L bill of lading Loi letter of indemnity
bbb before braking bulk l'sum lumbsum
bcs because lt local time
bdl bundle mdo marine diesel-oil
be both ends mem moment
bl bale mgo marine gaz-oil
boffer/bo best offer mrng morning
c/p charter party naabsa not always aflotbut safety aground
cbft cubicfeet nor notice of readiness
cbl cable nw north-west
cbm cubicmeter nyt new york time
ci/cls clause o/s out standing
comm commision oa overage
conser consecutive pi pandi-protection&indemnity
cop customs of port pld profourma d/a
d/a disburgement account pls please
d/e deemed/earned pob pilot on board
def definitly ppt prompt
dely delivery pus pust us
dem demmurage pw per weight
desp despatch qtty quantity
dets details rem remit
dim dimension s.o.f. statement of fact
dlosp drooping last out sea pilot s/r signing/releasing
dlt delete sd single decker
dwee dead weight carriing capacity sfs sun flowers
eta estimated time of arrival shex sundays holidays exculuded
etc estimated time of completon shine sundays holidays icluded
ets estimated time of sailing spanmed spanish mediterane
exins extra insurance spanmed sage port
fc full&complete cargo stw stowage
fcc(1) full&complete cargo swl safety working load
fcc(2) first class charterers sww single swinging winches
fd free dispatch t/c time charter
fhex fridays holidays excluded telcon telephone conversation
fhine fridays holidays included tf therefore
fol following tom tomorrow
frt freigth tpc ton per centimeter
ftc free trasferable currency tt(1) that
ftd fitted tt(2) tank top
fw fresh water twd twin decker/GLADORE
gco geographical usg us gulf
gen gencon uu unless used
gr grain w/i within
grd gear wc west-coast
gtee guarantee woq without quarantee
h/c hatch cover wts working time saved
hd half dispatch xmbt excluding motor-block turnings

Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary

Air draught : Height of highest points of vessel's structure above waterline, e.g. radar, funnel, cranes, masthead.
Anchor position : Place where a specific vessel is anchored or is to anchor.
Calling-in-point (C.I.P.) : See way point
'Correction' : An error has been made in this transmission, the corrected version is . . .
Dragging (of anchor) : An anchor moving over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.
Dredging anchor : Vessel moving, under control, with anchor moving along the sea bottom.
Draught : Depth from waterline to vessel's bottom, maximum/deepest unless otherwise specified.
Established : Brought into service, placed in position.
ETA : Estimated time of arrival.
ETD : Estimated time of departure.
Fairway : Navigable part of waterway.
Fairway speed : Mandatory speed in a fairway.
Foul (anchor) : Anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.
Foul (propeller) : A line, wire, net, etc. is wound round the propeller.
Hampered vessel : A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre by the nature of her work.
Icing : Formation of ice on vessels.
Inoperative : Not functioning.
Mark : General term for a navigational mark, e.g. buoy, structure or topographical feature which may be used to fix a vessel's position.
Offshore installation : Any offshore structure (e.g. a drilling rig, production platform, etc.) which may present a hazard to navigation.
Receiving point : A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure (such as for port entry, canal transit or ice-breaker escort).
Reporting point : See way point
Vessel crossing : A vessel proceeding across a fairway/traffic lane/route.
Vessel inward : A vessel which is proceeding from sea to harbour or dock.
Vessel leaving : A vessel which is in the process of leaving a berth or anchorage. (When she has entered the navigable fairway she will be referred to as an outward, inward, crossing or turning vessel).
Vessel outward : A vessel which is proceeding from harbour or anchorage to seawards.
Vessel turning : A vessel making LARGE alteration in course, such as to stem the time when anchoring, or to enter, or proceed, after leaving a berth, or dock.
Way point A mark or place at which a vessel is required to report to establish its position. (Also known as reporting point or calling-in-point).